All applications can be managed/monitored using the Citizen Access Portal by clicking the “Dashboard” tab. Here, you can track any application that has your user attached to it, even if someone else listed you as a contact on their permit.

From the Dashboard, you can view any application, invoice, or inspection listed under your name. Click the “Recent” card to find any new changes on a permit or click “View My Permits” to see all permits. Invoices and Inspections normally appear near the bottom of the page and can be clicked as well.

Basic summary information about the permit is listed near the top in the blue box including the Permit Number at the very top of the screen. This number is unique to your application and will never be the same. Give staff this number any time you need them to assist you with your application to find it quickly. The status is another important piece in blue box summary. It will change as the applications go through different phases.

Near the bottom of the summary is the workflow, invoices, and available actions. The workflow will slowly fill up as your application gets processed. Track any progress using the workflow on the summary screen. Green = passed, Red = failed.

If there are inspections that need to be requested, invoices that need to be paid, or files that need resubmitted. Click the button next to the Available Actions to complete the required activity. For inspections, you can request each inspection separately from this tab or click into “Inspections” to multi-select inspections to be requested.

If requesting an inspection on the Summary tab or Inspection tab, you will be taken to the confirmation request screen. From here, you can select your Requested Date, AM vs PM, and add additional comments if needed for the inspector. When all information is completed, click “Submit” to send your request to Duncanville staff. Please Note: Requests must be approved before a scheduled inspector is sent to the location. Requests are not guaranteed for the preferred day or time.
When an inspection is processed with staff, the inspection will change to a “Scheduled” status and list the day that the inspection will take place. To see more specific timing information, use the hyperlink of the inspection (far left) to review the Scheduled Time and Checklist information. (Notice the request was denied but scheduled for the next day below.)

When an inspection is completed (Passed or Failed), you can check the hyperlink of the inspection to see the inspector’s notes/comments. These will appear in the checklist of the inspection.