Duncanville, TX (December 10, 2021) - On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, the Duncanville City Council unanimously approved a preliminary new map of the City's five single-member districts for the next ten years. Per the City Charter, a final vote on the proposed map will occur during the December 21, 2021, City Council meeting.
All cities with single-member city council districts must engage in "redistricting" every ten years following a Federal Census to ensure that all voting districts follow all state and federal laws and continue to have roughly equal populations. The City of Duncanville's five single-member city council districts each represent a separate district within the City. Based on a review of the new 2020 federal census data, which shows the City's population has grown from 38,751 ten years ago to 40,745 today, Duncanville's single-member districts have become unbalanced and no longer have sufficiently equal populations. Therefore the City of Duncanville must redistrict.
The City of Duncanville enlisted the law firm of Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP, whose primary focus is on state and local government law. The firm evaluated the redistricting requirements and criteria provided to them by Council and presented four plans for consideration during the December 7, 2021 Regular meeting. The four were Plan A with an impact to 213 voting age persons, Plan B with 597, Plan C with 1,090, and Plan D with 1,337. The Council considered all four maps, heard public comments, and voted unanimously to approve the Draft Plan A map.
The Duncanville City Council Adopted the Plan A draft map due to its lower impact on the City's population. The 5 Districts, which total 40,745 persons with 30,245 voting age persons (VAP) breaks down as follows:
District 1: 8,175 total persons with 6,252 VAP (27.37% Hispanic, 34.33% White, 33.24% Black, 1.98% Asian and 3.0% Other)
District 2: 8,380 total persons with 6,136 VAP (42.49% Hispanic, 28.03% White, 25.49% Black, 1.08% Asian and 2.92% Other)
District 3: 7,772 total persons with 5,719 VAP (48.44% Hispanic, 22.80% White, 25.23% Black, 1.29% Asian and 2.24% Other)
District 4: 8,510 total persons with 6,472 VAP (32.32% Hispanic, 20.33% White, 42.75% Black, 1.84% Asian and 2.72% Other)
District 5: 7,908 total persons with 5,666 VAP (50.23% Hispanic, 23.23% White, 21.85% Black, 1.73% Asian and 2.95% Other)
The Duncanville City Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 21, 2021. Residents can attend the meeting in-person, via Zoom or watch live on Facebook. Events information can be found at Duncanville.com/events.