The City of Duncanville's Utility Billing Department will be conducting annual routine maintenance on Wednesday, December 11 starting at 5:00 PM and ending Thursday, December 12, by 12:00 PM. During this time, online and in-person utility payment will be unavailable.
- A total of 1,973 single-family rental properties have been registered to date, with no new properties registered since the last update. 42 inspections have been completed since the previous update; 31 passed, 11 failed, and none were canceled. The primary reasons for the failed inspections were the absence of a Grounded/Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection, missing carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, and improper installation of water heaters.
- Since the Single-Family Rental Registration Program inspections in November 2024, 582 Certificates of Occupancy have been re-issued.
- This week, 103 Building inspections and 25 Health Inspections were conducted. The total amount of fees collected was $26,819.00.
- This week, 146 permits were issued.
The City of Duncanville commenced the process of updating its comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is a document that will guide future decision-making on land use, capital investments, economic development, community building, and more in the city over the next 20 years.
The City's prior comprehensive plan was adopted in 2017. Now almost 8 years old, it is time for an update to ensure the City's plan is reflective of the current conditions and needs of the community.
Visit the Duncanville Comprehensive Plan website for information relating to the planning process including project updates, opportunities for public engagement, and draft plan elements.

Parade: West on Wheatland Rd. to Main St. then north on Main St.
Holiday Lights in the Park: 100 James Collins Blvd., Duncanville, TX 75116
Date: Friday, December 6, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Read the Champion Newsletter for December 2024 and the December 2, 2024 Weekly Champion
West Nile Virus (WNV) Samples Results
Testing conducted by Dallas County Mosquito Control.
November 13, 2024 - No reporting
November 20, 2024 - No reporting
November 27, 2024 - No reporting
December 4, 2024 - No reporting
To prevent the spread of mosquitoes, residents should remove all areas of standing water. Residents should also report all pools that are not well maintained and abandoned homes where mosquitoes are likely to breed to either City of Duncanville Health Services by calling (972) 780-5000 or through the OurDuncanville app, available on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Everyone should continue to protect themselves against the West Nile Virus by using insect repellent containing DEET. Citizens are also encouraged to remain indoors during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
- Next-up Youth Basketball League, three courts – Friday, 6:30 PM to
9:30 PM
- Brodie Adult Recreation Basketball League, one court – Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- Pro-Bill Thanksgiving Classic, three courts – Thursday, 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- The Holland Foundation Turkey Giveaway, The Center - Saturday, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Masters League Adult Basketball League, three courts – Sunday, 4:00 PM to
9:00 PM
The Fire Department responded to 136 calls for service in the past seven days, which included:
- Fires: 2
- 2 structure fires, 1 in Duncanville and 1 in DeSoto
- Emergency Medical Service: 78
- Motor Vehicle Accidents: 16
Emergency Management:
This week, the Emergency Management team participated in the following events:
- Annex D-Radiological of the Duncanville Emergency Management Plan was submitted to The State.
- Facilitated the Winter Weather Preparedness Emergency Operations Center training for Cedar Hill.
- Completed the Duncanville Texas Division of Emergency Management-147 form for submittal to The State.
- Staff facilitated the Duncanville Debris Management Site meeting.
- Attended The North Texas Council of Government Regional Training and Exercise meeting.
The Police Department welcomes the public to access www.crimemapping.com for resources; citizens can sign up for crime alerts within their location's radius.

- New Chief Development Course training in Huntsville, Texas, hosted by LEMIT (Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas).
- November 18 to 22, professional staff members Chad Chamberlain and Kristin Downs attended the first installment of the Civilian Leadership Series, a five-day seminar designed for current and aspiring leaders among non-sworn personnel.
- On November 20, Chaplain Moises Ruiz and Officer Michelle Arias attended the Faith Leaders Breakfast at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.
- Officers Michelle Arias, Luis Alvidrez, Darius Rodgers, and Rocio Vazquez attended the funeral for Irving Police Department Officer Jerome Scholz on November 22.
- On November 22, the Duncanville Police Department began preparing for the Santa Cop Toy Drive, which will take place on December 12 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Donation boxes are set up at the Duncanville Police Station Lobby, Duncanville City Hall Lobby, Duncanville Senior Center, Duncanville Chamber of Commerce, Inwood Bank, Champions Cove, and the City Credit Union.
- On November 25, Officer Michelle Arias and several COPs (Citizens on Patrol) volunteers distributed 327 report cards at Costco.
Ongoing Events:
- Computer Basics – Wednesdays 6:30 PM
- Tech Tutors – Wednesdays 7:00 PM
- On Monday, December 2, The first public workshop for The City of Duncanville’s Comprehensive Plan was hosted at the Duncanville Fieldhouse and welcomed, and the Economic Development team welcomed over 40 residents. A community survey was given to gather information from the community to further the progress of the plan's creation.
- Public engagement is vital to creating a comprehensive plan that reflects Duncanville's residents, businesses, and organizations. We're seeking your input regarding your experiences living and working in Duncanville, what you love about the City, and your thoughts on priority areas for the community's future. The survey is now live at https://tinyurl.com/DuncanvilleCompPlanSurvey.
- On Wednesday, December 4, the Steering Committee met to continue discussing planning and project execution.
Special Events:
This week, the Economic Development team welcomed Devon Handley as its new Special Events Planner. Devon is assisting City Administration with putting the finishing touches on the City’s Holiday Lights in the Park and Parade event, so get ready for a dazzling parade of lights, the grand lighting of our City Christmas tree, an unforgettable drone show, a fun-filled kid’s area, tasty food trucks, unique market vendors, a petting zoo, SANTA himself, live performances from the Jade Flores Band & Kid 'n Play, and so much more! Best of all—it's FREE for everyone to enjoy. Join us for a magical night!
- Accounting & Reporting – Week of November 21 to December 4, 2024:
- Electronic Funds Transfer Payments: 38 invoices were processed, totaling $301,574.93.
The Human Resources Department is currently recruiting for the following positions:
The Human Resources Department is currently recruiting. Interested candidates may review current openings, including job descriptions, and apply online at Current Openings
Charles F. Ladd Nature Preserve |
On Thursday, November 14, the Ladd Nature Preserve Master Plan Advisory Committee hosted a Town Hall Meeting to review the conceptual plans for the Charles F. Ladd Nature Preserve and receive feedback from the community. Thank you for making this meeting a success. Your feedback is genuinely appreciated and will be considered for the design of the nature preserve. It’s not too late to review the conceptual plans and provide feedback for the nature preserve. Please click HERE to see the Charles F. Ladd Nature Preserve Conceptual Plans. Please submit your feedback via the survey link below.
Survey in English
La Encuesta en Español
We look forward to hearing from you!
D.L. Hopkins Jr. Senior Center |
Become a member today! The minimum age to join is 50. For more information, contact the Senior Center at (972) 707-3864.
Upcoming Senior Center Events:
- Share and Care Meeting – Monday, December 9 | 10:00 AM
- Trip: Ozona in Dallas, Texas – Monday, December 9 | 4:00 PM
- Trip: Hines Nut Company & Texas Pecan Company in Dallas, Texas – Tuesday, December 10 | 9:30 AM
- Trip: Pocket Sandwich Theater in Carrollton, Texas – Thursday, December 12 | 5:30 PM
- Ivory Truth Music Performance – Friday, December 13 | 10:00 AM
- Share and Care Holiday Social - Friday, December 13 | 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Trip: Alley Cats Bowling in Arlington, Texas – Monday, December 16 | 10:00 AM
- Loteria – Monday, December 16 | 10:30 AM
- Bingo with Life and Health Insurance - Tuesday, December 17 | 10:30 AM
- Bagel Social - Wednesday, December 18 | 9:00 AM
- Trip: Mystery Lunch - Wednesday, December 18 | 12:00 PM
- Tech Talk Q&A - Wednesday, December 18 | 1:00 PM
- Chair Volleyball – Thursday, December 19 | 1:00 PM
- Trip: Charco Broiler Steak House in Dallas, Texas – Thursday, December 19 | 4:00 PM
Dog Park Master Plan Advisory Committee
On Monday, November 18, the Dog Park Master Plan Advisory Committee held a meeting to review and finalize the conceptual plans for the dog park. The dog park master plan will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting scheduled for December 9. |
- Crews completed mowing athletic fields at all complexes
- Staff painted the track and field lane lines on Fields 13 and 14 at Harrington Park for the local youth track program
- Soccer goals at Harrington for off-season maintenance have been removed
- Windscreen installation at baseball and softball fields is complete
- Crews completed bed maintenance of annual and perennial vegetation at city facilities
- Staff completed Armstrong Park renovations for Christmas tree installation
- Crews completed trench for additional power pedestal at Armstrong Park by staff
- Holiday light installations at Memorial Park and LED sign are complete
- Crews responded to a mainline irrigation break at Harrington Park
- Final planning for the Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting event was continued throughout the week
- Staff inspected homeless encampment for removal behind Kroger
- Crews cleaned homeless encampment under Interstate 20 overpass at Cockrell Hill Road
- Field was prepped for the season-ending softball tournament at Alexander Park
- 2025 Lone Star Legacy Parks application for Armstrong Park was prepared
- Tree trimming is complete on Wheatland Road, Danieldale Road, and Avenue C
- New drainage adaptations at the splash pad plaque wall were installed
- Installed a new surge suppression device on the Waterview Park pump well station
Recreation Center
Upcoming Events
- Cookies with Santa – Saturday, December 14 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Santa Stanley and Mrs. Claus will visit us on December 14 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Duncanville Public Library lobby. Cookies are free and will be available while supplies last.
Family Game Night – Friday, December 20 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Join us on Friday, December 20, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM for a FREE Family Game Night. This is a FREE event; no registration is required. Bounce houses, laser tag, basketball, ring toss, sack races, musical chairs, and more
Planning and Zoning |
Items scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and January 7, 2024, City Council meeting:
- Request for Amendment to a Planned Development for Wheatland Plaza, 402 East Wheatland Road
- Request for a planned development at 914 and 918 East Highway 67
- Request for a replat at 1700 Cedar Hill Road
New and Potential Projects
- Proposed new development at 704 North Main Street
- Staff is currently working with the applicant on a new layout for the site
- New development was prepared at 914 and 918 East Highway 67
- Applicant’s Planned Development request is tentatively scheduled for the December 9, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and the January 7, 2025, City Council meeting.
- New development at the corner of Cockrell Hill Road and Danieldale Road (Life School) was proposed.
Street Division
- Numerous potholes were repaired in the alley behind Alexander Avenue.
- Two asphalt utility cuts were repaired at Partridge Run and Beaver Creek Drive.
- Drainage baskets were cleaned at Clark Road and Danieldale Road.
- Crew marked three storm drainage utility areas at various locations.
Utilities Division
Water usage was 32,886,200 gallons during this reporting period, November 25 – December 1, 2024, down from 31,611,000 the previous week. The daily peak water demand occurred on Sunday, December 1, when 4,954,600 gallons of water was used. There were 0 inches of precipitation during this period. An estimated 381,158 gallons of water loss, including one water main break.
CIP Construction
- Wren Avenue and Oriole Boulevard Water Main Replacement I-20 Aerial Crossing
- Staff is awaiting the closeout documents from the contractor.
Softwood Drive Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Repair
- Crews await materials testing and manhole liners.
Oriole ADA Sidewalk Improvements
- The project is complete. Final billing has been submitted for payment.
Harrington Park/Ten Mile
- The Harington Park and Ten Mile portions are 95% complete. There are no new updates.
- Insituform Technologies, LLC, has completed the FY24 pipe bursting project. Manhole lining began this week.
Other Construction
Texas Department of Transportation TxDOT is constructing new service roads and ramps from Cockrell Hill Road in Duncanville to Hampton Road in Dallas, including new bridges across US-67. This project also includes construction by TXDOT of a Texas U-Turn at US 67 and Cockrell Hill Road on the southwest side of the bridge, which is projected to be completed by Fall 2024, barring any unforeseen conditions. The entire project has an estimated completion date of September 2025.