To provide opportunities for the older adults to remain active and vital participants in our community.
To View February Activities, Click Here | Para ver las actividades de Febrero haz clic aquí
Hopkins Senior Activity Center provides classes, programs, activities for adults 50+, and lunch for adults 60+.
- Classes (exercise, dance, ceramics and AARP Defensive Driving)
- Programs (community resources, health screenings, L&L guest speakers and special entertainment)
- Activities (dominos, bridge, bingo, movies, music, craft classes and excursions.
Being active is healthy and fun at the D. L. Hopkins, Jr. Senior Center! Come join us and play card games, puzzles, brain teasers, dominoes and much more. Bridge is played on Wednesdays, and there's Bingo played monthly with prizes. If that's not enough, dance to the rhythm of your own music, come see movies, enjoy popcorn and a soda for a $1.00! If you like working with your hands, join our craft classes to keep your creative juices flowing.
No refunds are given for a restaurant trip.
All trip participants must have a current membership at the senior center.
We appreciate if you pay at the time of sign-up. Thank you for your cooperation!'