On Tuesday, November 4, 2014, the Duncanville City Council approved the purchase of six THORGUARDIAN advance lightning warning systems to be installed in six city parks. The parks were selected based on volume of use by the public to maximize the effectiveness of a desire to increase public safety.
As a leader in lightning prediction, THOR GUARD has advanced its state of the art lightning prediction technology by the development of its propriety L125 prediction computer. The THORGUARDIAN is the first, totally integrated advance warning system for lightning. The sensor continuously monitors the atmosphere's electrostatic energy as far away as 15 miles and evaluates the potential for lightning within an area approximately 2 miles in radius. When the system determines a hazardous condition, the air-horns and strobe light provide necessary alerts.
Every thunderstorm, or line of thunderstorms for that matter, produces a unique, corresponding "electrical footprint" at the surface and it is this electrical footprint where lightning is most likely to occur. The extent or shape of this electrical footprint depends on numerous factors such as season, pressure, wind speed, temperature, elevation, etc … and given that all of these factors can change over just a few minutes to even seconds, the electrical footprint must also change to reflect the "favorable" locations for lightning to discharge.