Garage Sale Information
Garage Sale permits are FREE.
Only submit one (1) application per sale.
All garage, estate and yard sales shall be registered with the City of Duncanville.
A permit is required for every sale. The Permit number shall be posted and visible.
Each sale shall not exceed four consecutive calendar days and shall not be held on consecutive weekends.
Occasional Sales are limited to two (2) during any six month period - (two sales between January - June and two sales between July - December).
No new merchandise acquired solely for the purpose of resale may be sold at the garage/estate sale.
No food sales allowed.
Permits are issued to the applicant who is the legal owner or lessee of the property where the sale will be held.
Duncanville residents only.
Cancellation of Sale: A sale must be cancelled prior to the start of the sale. Contact (972) 780-5000.
Sign Placement and Regulations

Signs must show the permit number on the top right corner and shall not exceed four square feet in area.
Signs shall not be placed on utility poles, in medians, state right-of-ways or on the property of any other person without permission.
Signs shall be placed behind all sidewalks with a minimum ·of 11 ½ feet into the yard from the back of the curb and must be removed after the sale is over.